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Reading Books

Project results

Within LeaderSEEDS Project partners will create a digital leadership development programme addressed to chief executives and senior managers of TSOs, while enhancing the capacity of VET providers to develop digital learning tools. The objective of the programme is to enable the target group to access a new training model designed to provide them with the knowledge and skills to develop professional leadership and digital transformation competences.

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Module 1

The Digital Literacy Module introduces TSO leaders to the concept of digital literacy, why it is important and why it can be so beneficial for their organisations. In addition, the module brings about awareness of the various online tools and their uses to organisational collaboration, creativity, and safety.

Module 2

The Leader SEEDS Effective Digital Communication Module focuses on organisational communication, effective data and information sharing in digital capacities, as well as in-platform scheduling tools.

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Module 3

The Leader SEEDS Automation of Programmes and Services Module focuses on major aspects of digital automation, as well as informs on the importance and use of automation processes and strategies.

Module 4

The module introduces TSO leaders to the role of big data, interpretation of data and how it can be applied to business performance and data ethics. In addition, the module discusses how TSO leaders should craft and coordinate integrated data capture and analysis activities.

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Module 5

The Digital Leadership (Health) Module consequently examines the concept of ‘digital well-being’ and focusses on measures needed to avoid digital fatigue or ¨burnout¨. 

Module 6

The module introduces TSO leaders to financial planning concepts, tools and opportunities for attracting financial support, the role of digital fundraising, and how these systems can be used to support NGO fundraising activities.

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